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Genetic algorithm in a sentence

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Sentence count:181Posted:2019-12-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: algorithmnew algorithmalgorithmicdistributed algorithmpattern matching algorithmarithmeticalarithmeticallygenetical
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91 We solved the problem of homogenous landmarks in the procedure of medical image registration via deformable contour model, and genetic algorithm (GA) was used to search the optimal results.
92 In allusion to the conflict in solving the precision and constringency speed in genetic algorithm, this paper advances a kind of a new genetic algorithm for self adaptation, symmetry and congruity.
93 In the proposed, the genetic algorithm (GA) based optimal excitation control technology is applied to the excitation of DC generator, thu.
94 The model was applied in load forecasting of a certain area and was compared with two other comprehensive models based on genetic algorithm and direct search method respectively.
95 According to the train simulation system, combined with genetic algorithm theory, the paper bring genetic algorithm into optimization of train control scheme successfully.
96 In order to obtain an economical. high-effective and low-loss primary route, this paper leads genetic algorithm into primary routing system as a searching mechanism.
97 After that, a mixed-integer programming mode is proposed, the optimal target is to minimize the whole city logistic fees, and the model is solved by genetic algorithm.
98 Genetic Algorithm(GA) has been shown to be an effective strategy in the off-line optimization, which is fit for designing shaped-beam antenna array.
99 The test of function makes clear that it can reach better ability of searching optimum and better effect of avoiding premature convergence compared with the Genetic Algorithm with sex character.
100 Results Genetic algorithm optimization of beam weights can produce highly conformal dose distributions within a clinically acceptable computation time.
101 The algorithm for the digital character of cluster analysis of genetic algorithm, relatively new.
102 To improve the speed and efficiency of combinational logic circuit design, this paper presented a Game Genetic Algorithm (GGA). In GGA, each output of the circuit was regarded as a player.
103 The Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a kind of global optimal searching algorithm based on Darwin's nature evolution theory and Mendel's genetics and mutation theory.
104 Much antilogy and means have been brought forward aiming at vehicle routing problem based on genetic algorithm. Although some experiment results are attained, a lot of space is required to fill.
105 In addition, the zoom control of fitness amends the genetic algorithm in search of optimal codes.
106 Genetic algorithm is employed as an inverse operator to determine the parameters of the discrete beams. This method has three advantages. First, it simplifies the process of creating the leaf model.
107 Frequency assignment problems are NP-complete. An immune genetic algorithm is proposed to solve them, which is based on the immune regulation mechanism.
108 A general nonlinear programming model and a genetic algorithm (GA) optimization procedure for electrical design of airborne radomes are presented in this paper.
109 In the first stage, which is called structure identification stage, the selection of network structure and initial parameters is carried out by float genetic algorithm instead of human.
110 First, the deadlock problem and its graph theory representation is introduced. Then based on the effective genetic algorithm (GA) search method, the graph theory is introduced to assure deadlock-free.
111 In the design, methods of crossover point storage, mutation rollback and segment and step to reduce the dimension are used to improve the execution speed of genetic algorithm.
112 Genetic algorithm was used in the route planning, and an encoding mode for expanding the way point and planning space with variable steps was designed.
113 Genetic algorithm is used to solve the optimization problem with respect to C, and deterministic algorithm is used to obtain the constraints of problem.
114 Simulation result shows that the broadband matching network has good electronic capability and the genetic algorithm is effective in broadband matching network.
115 A genetic algorithm with global constringency does not need to acquire the gradient and can be easily adapted to solve the large-scale assembling optimization method.
116 A double population genetic algorithm (DPGA) is presented and applied to synthesize the array antenna pattern by controlling only the current amplitudes.
117 Then, we propose a genetic algorithm based method,[ algorithm.html] which is used to explore the optimal removal of some redundant vias to get a conflict-free bipartite graph for double via insertion.
118 The feasibleness and effectiveness of the proposed genetic algorithm in path planning for multi-mobile robot is demonstrated by simulation.
119 The genetic algorithm , which combined with penalty function method, improved the local - search properties.
120 Good-point based Genetic Algorithm is a more efficient method based on Genetic Algorithm theory.
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